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Download this easy to read devotional  that will help you

dive deeper into the Word

one day at a time. 

Click on Image below

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This book gives an in-depth look

at the life of Jesus and the example

he left for us. It is designed to be

used in the classroom, along with

the Students edition.

 Click on Image below

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 Journey with the Israelites and explore their exile from Egypt and their journey to

the Promised Land

Click on Image below

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This is a pamphlet that gives insight to the importance of the

name of Jesus

Click on Image below

Click on Image below

Learn how the

Church Body is set up

Click on Image Below

Lessons for Life is a collection of lessons that will help you further understand the plan of salvation, the operation of the Spirit in your life, and the function of the church. 

   Click on Image below


This book gives an in-depth look at

the life of Jesus and the example

he left for us. It is designed to be

used in the classroom, along with

the Teachers edition, but it is just 

as beneficial on it's own.

      Click on Image below


This is an in - depth study of the kingdom message. If you are a Christian,

I hope these lessons will give you a greater understanding of your

salvation. If you are not saved,

I pray this book will lead you to Jesus

 Click on Image below


Are we inviting people into the Kingdom of God?

Click on Image below

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The Truth About Who
Satan Really Is

Click on Image Below

Women's Place in the Church

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Learn about

The Holy Ghost

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