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Mary & Joseph

Luke 1:26-38, Matt. 1:18-24

*Mary is espoused to a man named Joseph (from the time of the espousal / betrothal, the woman was regarded as a lawful wife although consummation did not happen until after a formal wedding ceremony.)  

Then she is visited by an angel and told she would conceive by the Holy Ghost and bear a son and call his name Jesus. Joseph was also informed of this miracle in a dream.

Luke 1:34  Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?

 *It seems that Mary is not alarmed at this prophecy! She calmly asked the question, “how can this happen?”

Perhaps there was more in the conversation than is written? I’m sure she was taught the prophecies of the Messiah that would come, but still, to be chosen to carry this promise in her womb, she must have felt fearful & anxious at times. Is she wondering if Joseph is going to believe her story? Is anyone going to believe her? By law, if she was accused of being unfaithful, the punishment was death! She had to trust & rely on God to such a degree; it had to have been overwhelming at times!

*Now, let’s explore Joseph’s perspective:

Matt 1:18 ...Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.

19 Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a publick example, was minded to put her away privily.

(privately / secretly)

   *Joseph has just found out that his betrothed is with child & he has not touched her! However, before he has time to make any decision on his own, an angel appears to him in a dream & tells him the same thing that was told to Mary. Did he believe right away? The scriptures don’t elaborate on his misgivings or uncertainties. He believes the dream & “...did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife:” Matt 1:24

   *Think of the trust & reliance on God that they had to have. They would have certainly faced public humiliation although they had nothing to be ashamed of...on the contrary, they had much to be proud of.  Still, this was a hard path for them to walk. Nevertheless, they choose to obey God despite the isolation & shaming they must have endured. This was not the future they had planned for themselves. Their lives were forever changed! This child that would soon enter their lives would cause such joy & promise, & bring such pain & grief. Yes, He was the King of Kings, our Savior, God Almighty, but to them, He would always be the child they held in their arms.

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