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Premeditated Sin

2 Tim 2:19 Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.

Rom 6:12 Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof. 13 Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God.

*What is premeditated sin? It is intentional, willful, deliberate, planned.

* When someone wrongs you and you think of several ways to retaliate - then you act on one of them.

* When you’re getting ready for a date and right before you leave the house you open the nightstand drawer and take ‘protection’ with you, just in case.

* When you’re in the dressing room and you choose to buy the provocative dress over the pretty modest one.

* When you sell that car that overheats when you run the air conditioning but you neglect to share that information with the buyer.

* When you look at several movie listings and choose to watch the ‘R’ rated movie.

* When you charge someone for working 8 hr. when you only worked 7.

* When you call in and say you can’t come to work/school because you’re sick and you’re not sick.

* When you’re repeating something and you deliberately change the facts ‘just a little’.

Where does Jesus go…

*When you go into the movie theater to watch the ‘R’ rated movie? Does he wait outside, or try to bury himself deep down inside you somewhere, or does he sit there beside you?

*When you go into the bar, or nightclub? Does he wait out in the car, or does he join in and sing karaoke; does he share a drink with you, or does he annoy you by continually whispering things like … “ you need to leave - you don’t belong here – why did you come in here – I’m not welcome here”?

*When you lock the door and turn off the lights and watch that video?

Does he hide under the covers till it’s over, or is he forced to watch it with you?

Where is Jesus…

*When you walk into that funeral home and your heart is heavy with grief? He doesn’t wait outside; he’s right there, feeling your pain, comforting you, holding your hand.

*When your loved one has gone ‘out’ for the night and you know he/she is at some bar or nightclub? He’s right there listening to your prayer, and with every concern you have for that loved one he’s goes and speaks in their ear things like “ you don’t belong here” and he reminds them that they don’t need what those places have to offer if they will only trust him.

*When that ‘addiction’ is overwhelming you? He’s there with the power of his word and the strength of his spirit so that you can overcome.

*When your heart is broken and your spirit is so very low? He’s there holding you to him as a hen gathers her brood under her wings.

*When you’re battling what you can’t even see? He’s there standing in front of you as a shield, fighting for you with the sword of his mouth.

If you are filled with His Spirit, then he is with you, in you, at all times. You can’t pick him up and lay him down. You can’t leave him outside places that he’s not welcome. You can’t make him conform to your ways. You can’t close his eyes or stop his ears – but if you will not listen to him – you can cause him to be quiet!

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